Friday, May 10, 2019

That sensation of eyes on you...

 Carina is waiting.  She is waiting for me to send her some worthy mail art, not just some doodle made on a Plane, something more substantial, something that shouts ' I care about you' or 'i'm a serious mail artist with something important and originl to say!' So I sent out eight pieces of mail art, stuff I began but hadn't completed. I am in Maine, gardening. and still I feel Carina's gaze on the back of my neck, reminding me that I am a disappointment and… of course there is more time… just do it!
I know Carina isn't actually on my case.  I know it is my own silly guilt but like the best mail art, Carina gets me thinking and i hope I can rise to Carina's brilliance!  Thanks for the gentle prod, Carina!

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