Thursday, October 31, 2019

Found in tax filing!

It's perfect that today while doing the really heinous annual task of reconstructing my year by sorting and recording all my expenses against my invoices (dumped in a box) and carefully registering them into an excel spreadsheet in order to discover how little I made and what my taxes will be… that I found David's mail . The fact that it's also Halloween proves that my karma must be good and that David Stafford and I have a secret mail art language that persists even when the mail never makes it to appreciation because it's been accidentally sequestered in the tax filing. FIVE MONTHS LATE. Yippee.  I loved David's brilliant mail!

Now if I feed the day into David's handy-dandy time machine (top image), my own starfish hands will begin clapping. It could be the world series (I had no favourite but it seems exciting)… it could be that I'm up on my highhorse because I haven't eaten a bag of candy corn or it could be todays bat…*** crazy news.  

And David liked my Barr drawings too!

1 comment:

  1. What a great story and exactly what I want my mail art to be: a short blast of joy (or other emotion) during the tedium of taxes (or other life experiences involving tedium) he said thoughtfully.
