Friday, July 9, 2021

A Sunprint from Lockdown

I have correspondents with whom I have exchanged infrequently for years.  Carmela falls into this catagory.  It is mostly because I take a long time to return her lovely work. when i do send something and then get something back it is like seeing an old friend. Honestly, mail art correspondents are like gold dust - when I think of these people who make things for me, it is overwhelming.

As well as what I am sharing, Carmela has enclosed a personal note that folds out. I don't usually share those. Aside from reflections about what she received and our muual political worries, I learn that Carmela made this sunprint last summer over lockdown. I have never made a sun print but I can imagine the joy of using the force of the sun in a moment of worry to print from nature. I will treasure this imprint of California as I treasure my correspondence with Carmela!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting Rebecca. I'm glad that it arrived and that we all survived!
