Tuesday, May 26, 2020

This is what Mail art looks like ...

…when it takes 27 years to make!

've known Jacquie since our son (now in his late twenties) with a babe in arms.  We have shared three countries  and she visited my mother on Cranberry Island when i wasn't there once. Until now, Jacquie has never exchanged mail art with me. To receive this postcard, so full of the joys of spring, it's light, abundance and temperature was a truly special surprise. Jacquie tells me this is her first foray with watercolours in fifteen years. If I'd known she could do this, I would have demanded a correspondence, long ago. 

May in the UK is a very special time and perhaps we are noticing it more now, confined to a small space. I don't know if Jacquie was looking at this or if she has conjured the image but it speaks to me of the stillness of this May.  I also see cultures merging and if you listen, I'm sure you can hear a great spotted woodpecker!

Thank you, Jacquie. Yes, it IS mail art.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rebecca, Thank you for your kind words. I sent my first attempt to you with the knowledge that you would forgive my inadequacy! You have so inspired me to really get back into painting. Thank you Thank you. I am finding such solace in putting my brush to paper.
