Saturday, May 16, 2020

NO MORE Add and Pass and the Birx Bouquet

I can usually read a Cascadia A side at a glance. Cascadia is on the crest of the political news, and taking into consideration the speed of the mail, his visual commentary is always what I am thinking about Now.  So, this felt like Tofu St John, or a mish mash of books, I coldn't get my head aorund what newsworthy item this was a nod to. Luckily Cascadia helped me out.  This time Cascadia was making the news.  Look below and find the red rectangle with the idagonal line through it.  Zoom in. Cascadia has had it up to his skis with add and pass sheets… so he's shredded them and is no longer accepting them. 

Add and pass sheets are a quandary.  I file everything, and it is rare for me to add and pass something, but I still feel that bit of guilt when I come across them before they make it to my huge boxes of filed permanent mail art. I like a decision. 

Coronavirus ans flowers.  Ha, ha, but not so funny if you live in a meat packing state or in Cumbria, London or NY.  We certainly live in curious times and the divide in attitude between the UK (europe) and the US is pretty massive. Thanks Cascadia!

1 comment:

  1. this is from Tofu, who couldn't get his comments to work. I couldn't either until i switched from Safari to Chrome... 'I absolutely LOVE that Cascadia did this! I like when Add-n-Passes have a a specific theme, etc. But more and more, I feel I am receiving junk. Most are the mail art version of old fashioned chain letters. I have a folder full of ones that I have done nothing with. I am planning an artist book called Add-n-Pass-n-Stop. They will all be used in some way in that book. In the future, when I receive any more, I will cut out a good bit or two for my archives, but most are destined for the blue bin that gets emptied a few times each week by Recology.
    - Tofu '
