Friday, May 22, 2020

Life in Lockdown… a Pandemic Party?

So in the UK we are still pretty much in lockdown.  We can only visit with one person who isn't living with us. Most of us don't leave the compound. I have read about people having parties to 'get infected' (not around here) thinking that eventually they will be able to acquire a certificate that they have had the virus andwill be able to get on with their lives. Not sure whether that is what sticker dude is aluding to.  For me, being home with key people is not so bad, in guilty moments when we are sharing a meal we have made, I might even call it a party. 

I heard a newscaster talk about how masks can be fashion statements. I am finding this a no fashion time, and I don't see anyone so who cares, right? 
For me, not following fashion is freeing.  I miss my charity shopping but on balance I am in a free lockdown. I think Sticker Dude's lockdown stamp (Ed's?) is a visceral reminded that for some lockdown is unpleasant. 
Zoom in and read Sticker dude's note about mail art in the time of coronavirus. Relieved that no symptoms in Joel's house.

 Three great collaged ATCs and another toilet paper joke!

 I can imagine that John Prine was an influence on Sticker Dude.  I have to admit to having to google him to place him.  Once I'd heard a bit I could place him. They took me to a beer garden in the bay area and another near Santa Rosa. 
As ever, Joel's envelopes are full of detail that we can linger over. Yesterday I went to the post office and learned that they are only selling books of stamps with the queen's head on them.  HMM.  I'd rather have a hummingbird, or Mother Theresa any time.

Thanks Joel, and wash your hands!

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