Friday, January 14, 2022

Treasure and memories from New York and the Netherlands

When I have many competing demands  (in the nicest possible way) I channel my Peace Corps me and don't engage with the things that aren't in the here and now or that aren't the priority.  So, in December it's things like filling up the flour from the big bags I keep upstairs; it's making pumpkin soup for everyone at lunch; it's writing the 100+ cards I love to write, annually to feel connected to my friends from around the world. Mailart takes a backseat.  That isn't to say I feel good about letting the beautiful envelopes pile up, but thankfully my correspondents know that eventually I will look with care and attention at their offerings, and even, eventually, respond.  

Herman was compassionate about my seasonal plight  and I thank him.  I have wanted to open this russian doll of mailart for weeks.

I say 'Russian Doll' because Herman has multiple envelopes inside of envelopes in this mailing. The first envelope is the white one with the drawings of human heads juxtaposed with bodies of insects.  The stamps echo the envelope and add the winter red of Europe to the palette. 

Inside is the 'Fuller street balloon man', brightening up everyone's socially distanced Covid walks. Herman's marbled paper ties in with the scene. On the flip side are the two scary looking birds, talking to each other, ready to rip the skin from a rodent's frame.
the next envelope is a window onto the postman of the Great Lakes. Are those cubby-holes for post restante or are residents coming soon to collect their mail? The drama of the scene is enhanced, again, by Herman's marbeling.

While the bridges all over America crumble, people wave from the fences.  Welcome!
Also by a fence is this handsome couple taking in the NYC sights. Hello Herman's parents circa 1975! Can you spot the Twin Towers behind?

And finally, more treasures!  Inside ad outside herman's studio.  The last image is a fragment of a collar, perhaps left over from a visit to Markam?
Thank you Herman, beautiful as ever!


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