Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The question of Dada

So much of what the Sticker Dude does is collaborative.  Although he might use a collaborative piece or two on his envelopes, they are something I imagine is a singular act. Sticker Dude's envelopes are a mixture of protest and belonging. You might find heroes and demons sitting side by side on a Sticker Dude envie.

This mailing is about Ed. I received mail from Ed (for mail art exhibitions I have hosted), but we don't trade regularly. My circle seems to get smaller and smaller as other things usurp my time, so it's good to hold a few of his pieces in my keen hands.

Our norms are shifting in these pandemic years.  Gone are the days of the simple pleasures like a martini or a cafe visit. Do Dadaists drink martinis?

Usually Sticker Dude tells me that a mailing is for the archives.  This surreal, dystopian add-and-pass is definately a keeper, so I wll assume I should. It feels like a snapshot of this moment in time.

I found the cheese. 

I wonder what Dada would do with Trumpism?  Could we be anymore shocked? Would Dada disrupt the heirarchy?


1 comment:

  1. Once again...you melted the cheese. I drink to your health, you art, and commentaries.
