Sunday, November 15, 2020

Thrift Store Replica

David's Thrift Store Replica has been peering at me from the top of my blogging pile for a little longer than I like… I have been otherwise obsessed with matters political and it's good to be back in the blogging saddle, even if for some (not me) it's not over yet!  

In England thrift stores (charity shops) are shut.  We are in lockdown and are meant to stay home as much as we can. Even after we opened up in May, I found it difficult to cross the threshhold of charity shops for a while. This replica encapsulates my longing to return to the joy of looking through junk.

And as for glamour, that too is eclipsed in these times, for me. Recovering from a tripping-while-running injury in March, I make excuses for why it's OK to wear my running clothes all day. I am reminded of my gymnastics years and how a magenta tracksuit was all I wanted for Christmas. 

I also love the chasm of stamping that makes the unique composition of this postcard and the coronavirus flower stamps. Thanks David!



  1. Thanks, Rebecca. Life in the states is returning to its normal state of cold civil war with hot spots and dead enders flaming out here and there. We have not yet come to terms with our loss of innocence. That may take a few millennia.

    1. It is shocking to see the depth of blind eyes and the altar of sychophancy on show for the world to see.
