Monday, August 24, 2020

Cascadia's mail got caught in the rain… I guess

It is very rare for me to receive mail that is anything but pristine. This is the second time (this year) that Cascadia's envelope has arrived damaged. The first time the seeds he lovingly collected and mailed to me had poured out from a hole created in transit.  This time the letter was sodden. As a result, my Walmarth stamps have stuck themselves together. And it wasn't even raining when they arrived.  Did the postman tip his water bottle into the mail bag? Was there a waterspout on the Stowmarket road that poured in Rob's window? (My postman and my milkman are both called Rob). 

Still these problems are nothing compared to the shenanigans (no! much worse than shenanigans) going on in the States with the postal service!

Cascadia wrote a proper letter to me too.  Luckily I could read it even though the ink had run… He told me more details about Ticket! Ticket! I had sent him some stuff, including a bespoke mask made with images of some of his Ticket! Ticket! stamps . Cascadia calls Ticket! Ticket! a 'self-renewing collaborative project'. I'm excited.  What a lot of work for Cascadia, though! Thank you in anticipation.

It sounds like the UK and the USA are similar in how those of us who follow rules are wearing masks.  We are also worrying about the economy in sync.  Like Cascadia, here in Stowmarket and I guess in Washington, the impact of the virus isn't so bad. We are both gardening and cooking our produce, enjoying our flowers.  Cascadia is also involved with his diorama project and International Clown Week.  Below you will see the postcard, celebrating International Clown Week which arrived a few days later.  Thank you. Brilliant!

You take care and remain healthy too.


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