Friday, July 10, 2020

Yikes! Gangu Ginko

You send to some people because you have a conversation going on.  You send to some people because you know they 'get' you or your work.  And you send to some people because you want something back.  Jon foster is one of my transactional mail art correspondents. This isn't something good to admit, I know, but what can I say? Jon has not disappointed me with this beguiling tape transfer! It's asemic quality makes me think of islamic grafitti.  It's so unique, so other, so cool! And the colours are GREAT. Huh, this will never be sent to a charity shop! 

Jon is also a great writer and, I imagine, a great teacher.  Who wouldn't listen to this guy?

In these covid times, fluxus bucks must be worth more than usual. To be honest, I'm all for bartering. I have a punnet of sungold tomatoes.  What do you want to trade?
Life is like a walk in the woods with a zebra, or something. It certainly is different these days.

Thank you Jon, You make me smile.

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