Saturday, March 19, 2016

Wayside Fiddler and True Metal from Herman Kamphuis

Herman's mail art arrives in a beautifully addressed white envelope. Inside I find pieces of select papers and images that he hopes I will use in my own mail art, or collages.  I have used pieces of things before, but mostly I like to put it all back in the envelope so I can look at it as a whole again and again. 

The 'heart' of the mail art is a three side sealed envelope with the two sides you see above. The envelope is a collage, painstakingly gluedso that it is smooth and fast. Inside that is a note, and three wonderful ink portraits (quite a bit better than a doodle ,but I have used them as doodles, to bring the quality of the DKult Doodle therapy boekies up)!

We lived in The Netherlands before we moved to England and I can't explain it but when I open the contents of Voyageur Postal's mail art I can feel the canals, I can hear the trains, I can taste the licorice.

Herman likes to send me English things and I wonder how he knows what will mean something to me, he always does find just the right imagery.  This time the violinist takes me to a piece of music I heard yesterday on Radio three: the gypsy jazz violinist, Tcha Limberger, playing Moonglow! Patrick and I have never been blacksmiths, but our cartlodge was the home of the village blacksmith, and today I was in the garden for hours and my arms feel like I have been wielding a hammer. STOP! All of these associations are really beside the point.  I JUST LOVE the way Herman composes his mail art

Although I may have been quiet on the doodle front, I am working on some stuff and one of the first next things I plan to do is to make some more Herkalux Postage Stamps! Huge thanks for all my beautiful goodies, Herman!

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