Monday, March 7, 2016

Balloon, an Artist's Book by Ptrzia (TICTAC)

I nearly took part in Banana Day (for the second time in just a few months - there is some confusion about which day REALLY is banana day… ) and as the bananas started to be posted I coveted lots of the stuff I might have received, so I was super pleased to get these banana stamps that TICTAC sent out with her banana mail! The other part of this package was even more generous, though.  

I showed it to my husband and brother-in-law and they both couldn't believe that someone I have never met would send me 'an original' which had clearly taken so much time to execute!  But non-mailartists can't comprehend what we do. But not only that, not only had TICTAC posted me something time consuming to make,  this book is beautiful, even exquisite both in its look and in its meaning - luckily for TICTAC, this conceptual poetry piece couldn't have been sentto a more appreciative audience!  My copy is 4/10 and I will treasure it!


  1. hi Rebecca thanks for sharing my work and for your kind comments. i'm very glad you enjoyed my work.
