Thursday, November 7, 2019

Celebrate the end of daylight savings with your copy of Coffee Clutch!

The Coffee Clutch has it's finger on the pulse and is highly relevant to all things mail art, obviously. Here I am in England, just a few hundred miles from York, and who knew there was Hannah Hoch birthday box? It took Cascadia artpost to send me my November edition and some BEAUTIFUL PINK artistamps featuring Hannah Hoch for me to discover my own 'local' news.
And what's the Toast for Post? Is it whole wheat, white or rye or is it in a glass? I love the horoscopes, but I'm a capricorn and not sure what my motif means. 

Also, can I send my news in?  The only thing I can think of at the moment is the pumpkin glut in mid suffolk.

Another brilliant mailing! 

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