Sunday, September 23, 2018

Somewhere Between 17 and 40

Thatching keeps you young.  I know because I have my own personal thatcher and he is 80 something years young. Herman must know that handling straw is life enhancing.  As for climbing up to the roof… or to the top of a windmill… pleasures, not necessarily good for this heart. 

Here on the 'chicken farm' as DVS calls it, life is good even in the incessant rain.  Today the chickens escaped and ranged all over the field.  I had my head cocked waiting for the hawk harrier to swoop down, but I counted them all in later. 

Herman's mail art is a thank you for something I sent him. Really nice to get such splendid feedback and to be told not to worry about being slow to send.  (I am paraphrasing from a note written on the back of one the image below.) He is obsessed by American and British politics too and had a big birthday at the end of August.  Auguri!

I can't help wondering if older  people revert to doing what they want to with their birthday cakes in the Netherlands the way one year olds do. It's an adorable custom.

Love the orange here and the image of joy in the face of ill health.  Make the most of every day! 
and such a wonderful token of affection from Herman. where does he find such fabulous vintage stuff?

Huge thanks and belated birthday greetings mr feeling 17 - 40.

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