Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Harmony in the forest - Collages by Nancy Bell Scott

These collages and trash poems by Nancy may be my favourite pieces from Nancy, of all time.  Text as line, a breathtaking depth layered with ink and colour suggest the weather, the night and something malevolent in the forest.  The uprights seem built, repurposed, sculptural. It is a world that makes one want to climb… and Nancy does with light what I ache to do.

Fabulous pieces may launch a second career in Suffolk!  I am sure everyone will be reaching up to hold these haptic beauties at the show in Colchester in a few week's time and they'll be saying 'who is this Nancy Bell Scott?'  Thank you enormously, Nancy! and I didn't even have to beg!


  1. Oh I do owe Nancy some mail art, and look what I'm missing as a result! Wonderful work.

  2. Oh! Beautiful collages -- love looking. Thanks for sharing them.
